Thursday, August 19, 2010

     At the Cross Road of Christ

         Aching from a restless night

                Stirred by His presence putting things right

                         Time for repentance, schemes put to flight

              For in Him there is freedom, not cunning plans of the night

                   Rest in His Righteousness, He is perfect, complete

                        And when we falter, He lifts us with love

                              His path lay before us so straight is His Way

                       Nowhere else is such freedom so transparently seen!

                 How far is this journey that lay ahead

           Not endless but distant the walk that we make

                The other road is the Broadway with deep pits everywhere

                       Keep to the narrow one, for that one's secure

                            The Broadway, it leads to Destruction complete

                     And its crossroads to death’s door, not so sweet

               The Narrow way is the Right way you should be on

         But there are cross roads there too, choices to make

            Sometimes there are choices between good, better and best

        For thirty, sixty or hundred fold a deeper walk you must have

    The fruit is forever so there is much consequence

 This world has its sweet things but in heaven you’d lack

         Cross roads mean choices ‘tween the less or the best

             For two ways to choose from you need wisdom and prayer

                 The best way is full of Christ’s perfection and Rest

                      That choice is for fruit a hundred fold and more blessed

                          The lesser way is not bad, it’s just less than the best

                  But it’s always before you to choose from, my friend

           The choicest fruit for Jesus the fields white with souls

    The fullness of Harvest is there, just behold

        There are things much desired, delightful to have

              And for decisions we struggle very late in the night

                    We toss in our sleep for our soul knows its lack

           And our natural man’s longings permit not His blessed Rest

     All we need is Jesus, and the extras we need not

            Good things He does give, we enjoy from His hand

                 The things from above are ours and so blessed

                         But of the self’s desires, the choice is for less

                               His yoke is truly easy and His burden, yes, so light

                         The cross not so heavy, just one’s daily task

                 Lest we add the self’s extras, things we desire

        But then comes the stress of an extra load entire

             Then comes the grief of the strangest desire"s

                   That robs the soul’s strength and its heavenly fire

                           That steals the joy our salvation brings

                 That captures our attention that should be unto Him

           So now consider in the midst of the trial

                A choice is before you decisions to make

                      Not to sin but to add something not wholly of God

                             Some things wanted deeply but what will you get?

                       Not His peace that surpasses all understanding of peace

               Not the Rest of His cross borne daily with joy

          Not the rejoicing of a life centered solely in Him

     Nor the best fruit that you will one day have to present

         Through His cross we die daily to self"s desires

               Through His life we live His divine Zoe life

                      Through His Righteousness we are righteous

                             Through choosing what He desires we glorify Him

                      The choice is before us on the straightway of Christ

                One not sinful but less full than what we could have

          For He desires our perfection and the fullness of Him

    And in Him is all we could ever hope for forever, amen!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Song in the Night

1. A song in the night to You Lord do I sing
An offering of Praise to my God I do bring
With my voice in High praises
I Rest in Your Word
A vessel you’ve chosen
You only I will serve

2. By night we are waiting upon you our King
Our reasonable service to Jesus we sing
My knees bent before You
I’m blessed by your Word
This vessel you’ve chosen
Yes, You Lord, I will serve

3. The dawning comes slowly as we raise our praise
The night watch ending, still your anthemn's we raise
My eyes do behold You
I see through Your Word
A vessel once broken
Restored for your service

4. Each night let the fragrance of our offering raise
To Your throne in heaven, home of our King Jesus
Our hearts there before you
Your Word we have heard
This earthen vessel
Before You to serve

Corus: With my hands raised to honor the King of our hearts
The gentle Lord Jesus, God’s Lamb on His throne
The lion of Judah, our Shepherd King
All praise due His Majesty, to Him do we sing!
