Tuesday, February 08, 2011

We Need the Fire from on High

Praise ascends from hearts afire
From lips dripping oil and hands lifted high
Worship becomes the saints of the Lord
The ones set apart by the Spirit of God

As fragrance rises from an altar of gold
Hands held high as a sacrifice of Praise
Only by faith in a God no eye has seen
Can we praise Him, for faith is a gift

Could we deny Him who our lives sustains and upholds?
Who gives us breath and peace from heaven above,
Who causes His love to fill our hearts and souls,
Who causes joy and rejoicing to spring from our lips!

Let us seek that which is from heaven above
From there comes every good and holy thing
For there dwells the King of righteousness and peace
And against Him and His Army no rival will ever succeed


He Sits on the Throne of Heaven

From the rising of the sun,
To the going down of the same,
God reigns in Zion, His Holy Mountain!

Let the peoples rejoice for He is gracious
His mercy endures forever and ever
He reigns in truth and righteousness

Now is the time and His word hastens to its mark
He will complete His work in justice and righteousness
He is humble and raises up the poor and broken in spirit

He rises up the downcast and depressed
He makes the lame to stand in strength
He will not allow the oppressed to be forsaken

He will judge and His judgment is in truth
He will bring an end to war and destruction
He brings peace to the earth that endures forever
