Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stay Calm

Be calm in the face of the adversary

    and turn not away because if God is with you,

                                                   you will be the victor

                                      and the battle is waged

                         on your knees in prayer

and not with the weapons of war!


My Thought for Today!

How hard it is to see the face of man!

   Cold as an iceberg, hard as flint!

How cruel is his heart so full of selfishness

   Lost in his vain pursuits, confused by his own selfish ambitions!

His hope is sealed in nothing less

   Than Jesus Christ and His righteousness!


The Bible

I see Your face between these pages,

   To know Your will, the times and directions,

      To find the answers to all my questions,

         Is what I seek instead of money!

His provision sure, He’s ever faithful!

   Beware of doubt and all distractions!

      Your freedom’s worth more than worldly possessions!

         What’s worth more than to be with Him in glory?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Three off notes make a discord!

   A 1st, 3rd and 5th in the same key in any order 

      will relieve the dissonance with a chord!

One horn can blow all day and not make a chord

   But with two friends tooting they will fill in the missing notes!

A song stays strayed if it does not come home to its tonic!

   Be it long or short it must come home to rest!

A note in isolation means nothing!

   Fit it in a measure and it could resolve a score!


Your Choice

The blessings or curses are ours to choose!

    The right way or the evil, two ways to move!

        One is a High Way of righteousness,

            The other the Broadway full of excess!



And now to remember, to recollect the past,

    The sorrow, the grief and torment, freed from at last!

The light, the truth, the peace in Christ forevermore,

    Never again to go back to the pleasures of this world!

The path is clear before me as I walk along the way!

    No shadows of confusion that used to cloud the day!

Broken are the chains that bound my soul in grief!

    Exposed are the ways of Satan who blinds man in unbelief!

Now freedom is what matters to all the sons of God,

    Free to serve the Master who gave His life for us!

Onward is our pathway, the High Way of Holiness,

    That leads us on to victory and eternal righteousness!



If nothing comes, not even one word,

Then be silent, not talking even from your reserve!

But when the well springs, living water so blessed,

Coming up from the depths where His Spirit rests,

Springs of fresh water for all thirsty to drink,

Be filled and restored from the wells deep within!

Drink freely oh lovers of His precious Word!

Drink freely of wisdom, flowing words from the well!

Be filled with His Spirit, restored deep within!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Choosing Friends

It is more important to choose one’s friends carefully

   Than to know everyone in the world!

It is more important to have a few good and faithful friends

   Than to have a thousand acquaintances who call you friend!

One should persevere to have good friends

   But don’t strive to make many friends

Unless you end up with fewer friends

   And many acquaintances!

Don’t seek out the strong and mighty as friends

   But accept those that come your way in life

And be to them a faithful friend in times of trouble

   And you will find that in the end

They are truly strong in faith and mighty in valor!

Better is a friend who speaks the truth in love

   Even when it hurts your feelings!

Than a friend who always tells you

   What you want to hear!

Your best friends pray for you often

   The rest are there only in fare weather

      And disappear when you appear to be in trouble!


Despise Not the Rest of the Lord

The man who rests enough has strength for the day

    but he who overworks produces less!

He who chases the dollar all day long

    will spend it on vanities

        trying to keep up with the Jone's

            who made theirs, little by little,

                resting one day at a time!
