Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ascending Octaves

Well, well it makes me laugh

         The silence speaks in paragraphs

              For the music is but Rest and Sustain

          So we can learn to Pause

    Or perhaps to Sustain

In stupendous animation!

                        (Pause for breath)

Does it come naturally

      To those well informed

            Who make the songs flow

                    Reaching higher and higher

                             Through the cloud's white haze

                                       Until they touch the One above

                             The stars on high and beyond

                         Where only angels tread

                   And God sits enthroned
              Receiving all the praise

          From manifold songs

     All with different melodies

Yet He misses not one note of understanding!


The Waiting

Is it so hard to wait on Him
  for patience is a virtue from above
    no gold can buy her precious store
      by grace alone to those who chose
        to suffer without their desired hope
        in faith not doubting His perfect time
      when every promised precious prize
    that we have gained in Christ our Lord
      will rest secure in humbled hearts
        that chose to seek the things above
        where no rust corrodes, no pain, no harm
      just saints on high resounding praise
    in the very presence of our God on High
  with no sea to separate us from His gaze
just raptured souls of His own sons
clothed in white, no spot or wrinkle
  no more to wait for the end to come
    for the time has come eternally full
      and patience has had her perfect work
        lacking nothing of God’s design!!
