Egypt’s in Flames, Egypt is in Pain!
Fire and smoke curl to the sky
The mobs of peoples crying for change
Some mobs cry for everything to stay the same
Man’s best solution can’t heal all this deep pain
The rocks get thrown at armored cars
Screams and shouts ring out more and more
The dead’s voices now silent in the grave
Could not God work and man wait for Him
The living have hope but the wrath of man
Can never produce the righteousness of God
Power hungry men stir up the tempest fire
Will they gain power to lose it at the next turn?
It has all been written and all coming to pass
The last day’s symptoms of the inherited sin
Adam’s race in a bloodbath seeks salvation
By shedding each other’s blood in their rage
Stay calm in the storm O son’s of the Most High
God protects all who put their trust in Him
Look up because your redemption is nearer each day
All the signs point to the clear message of His Word
Yet no one longs for these days of unrest and turmoil
Even from a safe haven looking down from your perch
It pains to see mankind deny Christ and His peace
And rather blame others for their soul’s lack of bread!
Fire and smoke curl to the sky
The mobs of peoples crying for change
Some mobs cry for everything to stay the same
Man’s best solution can’t heal all this deep pain
The rocks get thrown at armored cars
Screams and shouts ring out more and more
The dead’s voices now silent in the grave
Could not God work and man wait for Him
The living have hope but the wrath of man
Can never produce the righteousness of God
Power hungry men stir up the tempest fire
Will they gain power to lose it at the next turn?
It has all been written and all coming to pass
The last day’s symptoms of the inherited sin
Adam’s race in a bloodbath seeks salvation
By shedding each other’s blood in their rage
Stay calm in the storm O son’s of the Most High
God protects all who put their trust in Him
Look up because your redemption is nearer each day
All the signs point to the clear message of His Word
Yet no one longs for these days of unrest and turmoil
Even from a safe haven looking down from your perch
It pains to see mankind deny Christ and His peace
And rather blame others for their soul’s lack of bread!
Labels: Be healed in the Inner Man, s wrath can not work the righteousness of God