Tuesday, March 04, 2025
Thursday, May 05, 2022
What Can One Say
What can one say that has not been said
Yet what can one read that has not been read
For the living write and not the dead
The living speak yet not the dead
God renews that which was lost
He restores that which is useless
He gives life to the dead
The deaf hear, the bling see!
The task of the church, as Jesus did
For we are His body, He rose from the dead
Now as He walked we are to walk
To lived as He lived, we are to live!
Don't Fret
Don't you worry, don't you fret
Just believe in Him who gives
Eternal life to those in need
To those who turn from sin
To those lost in sin's fate
To His who died on Calvaries hill
Risen to die no more, Messiah
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
What can I say,
it's been so long
just a moment
has passed in time
So much has changed
but all remains the same
Jesus is still Lord,
King eternal and immortal
We grow in grace
from faith to faith
no looking back
victory always in Christ
So fear not any bad news
look to Jesus who always saves
trust Him and believe
He's in control 100%
Monday, February 28, 2022
Thank You Lord
I want to thank You Lord
For all your kindness to me
Your glory and your grace
More than words can describe
Look down from on High
You dwell in our midst
Wherever two or more
Are joined in your Name
Move on behalf of Your people
On behalf of your sons
To show your mighty hand
For all the world to see
We wait upon your mighty hand
To bring to pass your will
To return again to the earth
To establish your kingdom
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Oh To See His Face
I would seek Jesus More than riches
I would seek Jesus more than gold
To see Hi glory is more my pleasure
than this world's treasures hold
Must be I'm blinded by His presence
to this world's golden gilded streets
Though I see they are mostly plastic
not like the blood He shed for me
Can't buy His grace nor sell His mercy
His love came down to comfort me
Now I'm more sure of this God's glory
for His word sealed ne'er pass away
Though dimly seen, a mere reflection
His Spirit groans to be released
From all my doubts and fears of failure
to glorify God's Son in me
How oft I missed the highest calling
in miry clay and unbelief
This grace that leads me even higher
in Zion's calm I find relief
My righteousness is the Lord of glory
I stand by faith alone in Him
From grace to grace He's glorifying
all the saints who trust in Him
Oh, to see His face
to be like Him from faith to faith
God's changing me
from grace to grace to be like Jesus
Face to face
Monday, September 24, 2018
Silence is assent it's true
if you're not in one accord,
And presumption is unfounded faith
not grounded in God's Word
To speak too soon or too late
the both are a problem child
But not to speak at all, my friend,
to hide for fear of man.
This is folly to all who hear
for they hear not at all,
And if they have a need to know
you're a faithless friend for sure
How many times I've grieved inside
my lips sealed tight and closed
With wells of living water, bound
that Jesus said should flow.
What grieves God's Spirit much, you see
His saints He called to serve,
Not in the fear of man or beast
not greedy for worldly gain.
Nor to speak what they desire,
for what good could come from man?
Of the abundance of the heart he speaks,
let God be true and every man a liar.
August, 1985
A Pure Heart
The coconut palm towers high in the sky
Its trunk long and stately looks down from there
Its fruit has water to quench our thirst
Its meat sweet and crunchy, so good that we eat!
Its life flows in its center the place of its heart
Different from other trees whose life, their outer part
Its image is found on God’s temple’s walls
Carved in its gold plates with angles all around
Now God’s children have their life deep within
The Spirit of God gives new life to them
The worldly man’s life like the other trees
Flows on the outside and lived for his flesh
Now the coconut palm carved into the walls
Speaks of the new creature through the work of God’s Lamb
For only true believers can freely enter in
To the place of God’s dwelling, the Holiest of All
Our life like the palm tree, God’s Spirit within
For the old man is ruled by His lustful desires
The soul of the believer in union with his Lord
For the veil rent in the temple, the obstacles destroyed
Our soul as His bride in union with Him
Our heavenly bridegroom in our bosom does rest
He ever looked for this place since creating man
And now through His own Son finds the true heart!
Fear Not For I am With You
God’s grace is always sufficient!
Never a moment when it is not!
In every circumstance, no matter the trail,
the mountains being cast into the sea,
the banks all closing, the riots in the streets,
with the end nearer each passing day,
when everyone must give account,
when the Lord appears in clouds of glory!
His all sufficient grace,
His peace passes all our understanding,
His eternal love and care!
I will not fear for You are with me!
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
When comes the end because the time is fulfilled,
nothing can snatch you out of His hand!
So fear not the future, grim though it may be!
God must bring His judgment on all that offends!
But if you are pure and holy and stand in Christ alone,
No fear should ever afflict you if you are full of love!
For love casts out fear and leaves you at peace with Him!
The Night Watchman
The Night Watchman sits upon the wall
High enough to see the city, all
Far enough to view her all around
Close enough to blow the trumpet sound
His work is set by God alone
Who sits enthroned o’er all the world
He is above all His created work
Yet close enough to see every deed
The watchman has his place from God
To watch over those that sleep at night
He gets his rest while the sun is hot
His rest complete, watching over the night
The moon and starts to brighten his task
His friends in bed, sleep through the night
His time is spent in his heavenly call
For the enemy waits hoping for his fall
But God is true and keeps him awake
He walks about to the city’s gates
He looks afar over all the land
Assured that all is well, he stands
His eyes wide open, no place for sleep
His ears too listen for the slightest sound
For the city rests trusting in his guard
But the dangers lurk for the enemies near
The day times bright and the enemy knows
His work must be where the darkness holds
All the people are in their beds asleep
His opportunity waits for vigilance to fail
Be on your guard, your soul he wants
A treasure for him is your body’s use
With him inside ruling over you, his slave
His work is complete with you in the grave
So watchman, watchman what of the night
The morning comes, your freedom in sight
Your rest awaits, your shadows must flee
The dawn your delight, the sun you do see
The peace of the city is your beckon call
Your work so important as you watch from the wall
You’re not alone for the wall is quite long
Your company all awake to keep their charge
So watchman, watchman what of the night
You vigil in moonlight as you watch over our site
The city does slumber in vulnerable sleep
Your charge so important, you awake while we rest
For man without God knows not the light
In daytime he’s still walking in continual night
He knows not the vigil to keep his own soul
His sins are a doorway, no watchman does guard
His soul so vulnerable to the enemies
He knows not the danger that transgression brings
He stumbles about as he walks in the day
The night comes, same thing, he knows not the way
His end comes early, lest he change his ways
For his house is open to whatever come may
No guard at the doorpost to protect his store
The robber comes daily from he knows not where
Be not like this blind man that’s captured by sin
Be vigilant for your life ends not at the grave
Accounts must be given for each day’s tasks
And lovers of pleasure will have nothing that lasts
Stand on the vanguard as watchmen of the night
God calls all to duty for the soul is at stake
Some go to perdition, some eternal life
For one day there is Judgment over every detail
Have peace with your maker, the Lord Jesus Christ
God’s Son yet Creator and Righteous Judge on that Day
When souls of the faithful give account to Him
And souls of the faithless God the Father will Judge
The matters concluded when all judgment is past
The sheep on the right hand, the goats on the left
Best follow the good Shepherd of every righteous soul
For the unbelieving and rebellious, woe, woe, woe!
Ugh Me!
Ugh, you are really not a word
You are just an shoulder shrugging, ugh
No more no less but you have a place
Just not too much punch in your utterance
We really need to hear more from you
Like, what do you think of yourself
Your linguistic roots please
After all where are you really from?
Yeah, I am picking on you, you bet I am
You have escaped scrutiny, forever
Hiding yourself in such subtle utterance
But you are not getting off so easy now
I am pushing your envelope but it's ok
No harm intended, nothing against you
Just a need to know, natural curiosity
Your neutral self, who, in non sexist English
Well, you don't say much, just a syllable
So you think you can escape examination
No, no, no for the light is on you, brightly
We shall know your roots and your fruit
If you are of God then welcome to language
But if you are vile or vain we will purge you
Sounds tough but still you would have to go
No room for you in Christ, if you are so vain
But if you are of God you are welcome
For every ugh must be spoken in love
And account will be given on day
For every ugh spoken in vain!
Labels: Ugh me tender and in love