Friday, September 24, 2010

Conversation with the Lord

Ok, Lord, you got ten minutes,
because I have an appointment!
I do try to find time for You
but my schedule is so tight.
I seemed so rushed in the morning,
Business lunch at noon,
Family and TV at night!

Ah yes, the weekends, chores you know,
the undone things from my busy week!
Yes, I know You want more than Sunday School
and a brief prayer at night!
But time is of the essence
in this busy world of 'hours'!

Vacation is for trips to visit and relax
but driving leaves me so out of whack!
Rushing here and there
vacations are more work than rest!

What is that you say? I will find rest in You!
You must be kidding, Lord,
religion is a busy business!
My Pastor never stops going
and preaches from his College notes!
I went to him for council and he sent me to his Shrink
who told me to prioritize my time from A to Z!
I cut all the corners, made room for every need
And in the end I see for the visit with You,
no time!

But you know how it is and soon enough I will be in a jam.
Lost job or car wreck and no money for repairs!
You know there are those times when I do call upon You
and You have been so merciful to meet the need!
And don’t get me wrong, I know you are the real boss!
I have seen your mighty hand, your miracles more than once!
But to just let go everything and turn it all over to You!
Wow, that is asking a lot, Lord, you are asking too much!

You talk as if you own me, my life, my time my all!
Yes, I did accept you
and recognize that the blood of Jesus
was shed for me and I do want Eternal Life! For sure!
What!!! The blood was a purchase price
for the redemption of my soul!
But you set me free,
the Son set me free indeed!

But what! What is freedom?
Well, it is free to be me!
Yes, free from the chains of the devil!
What? I am not in bondage to any man! Including myself!
The proof!
I work day and night with little time for vain habits!
Oh, yes, You are my provider!
I meant to say because of You, I have no time to waste!
So, how do I just squeeze You into my schedule!
I know!
To pray and read the bible and be religious!

What! That is not what you want! Well, what then!
My live complete! Nothing reserved!
Now that is a tall order even from You!
Look, You own everything, don’t You!
Oh, yes, my heart!

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