Monday, January 16, 2012

Game of Connections to Reach the Prize

The Princess lived in a strong fortress
Surrounded by a protective family
Guarded by those who shoot to kill
Watched over by the security crew

So hard to reach except by code
The lines sent to roaming orbs
Floating high above the clouds
Sending notes to her hidden screen

Her friends far away did write
But pass the guards, not possible
So distance ruled her relationships
Her abode so far away from them

Suitors dared but could not pass
The danger to all that tried to see
A bit closer, the princess of the Net
But death to all who got to close

So lonely days passed into months
Emails and posts were so abundant
The friends more than just a few
The distance is hard to breach, alive

One day peace will touch her land
The Prince of Peace must make a stand
His mercies flow like a river of love
He reached her heart from His throne, High above



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